dark souls 3 game save file location

dark souls 3 game save file location

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Locating Dark Souls 3 Game Save File

One of the most frustrating things for a gamer can be losing their progress in a game. Whether it’s due to a technical glitch, a computer crash, or simply wanting to transfer your game save file to another computer, knowing where to find the default game save location is crucial. In the case of Dark Souls 3, finding the game save file can be a bit tricky, but it’s definitely possible.

First, you’ll need to navigate to the AppData folder on your computer. You can do this by typing %appdata% into the Windows search bar and hitting Enter. This will take you directly to the Roaming folder, where you can find the Dark Souls 3 game save file. From there, you’ll need to locate the AppData\Roaming\DarkSoulsIII folder, where you’ll find your game save files.

Once you’ve located the game save file, you have the option to either back it up or transfer it to another computer. This can be particularly useful if you’re switching to a new computer or if you want to ensure that your progress is safe in case something happens to your current computer. By following these steps, you can easily locate the Dark Souls 3 game save file and ensure that your progress is always secure.

Finding the Default Game Save Location

When playing a game like Dark Souls 3, knowing the default game save location is important. Whether you want to back up your progress or troubleshoot issues with the game, locating the default game save location is essential. By default, Dark Souls 3 saves your game progress in a specific directory on your computer.

One way to find the default game save location is to navigate to the AppData folder on your computer. This folder is typically hidden, so you may need to enable the option to show hidden files and folders in your file explorer. Once you’ve done that, you can navigate to the following path: C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Roaming\DarkSoulsIII.

If you’re unable to locate the default game save location using the method above, you can also try searching for the directory using the search function on your computer. Simply open the file explorer and type “DarkSoulsIII” into the search bar. This should help you quickly locate the default game save location on your computer.

Changing the Game Save File Directory

Changing the Game Save File Directory

Changing the game save file directory in Dark Souls 3 can be a useful tool for players who want to back up their progress or transfer their saves to another computer. By default, the game save file is located in the AppData folder on your Windows computer. However, if you want to change the directory to a different location, it’s possible to do so with a few simple steps.

First, you will need to locate the original game save file in the AppData folder. This can be found by navigating to the following path: C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Roaming\DarkSoulsIII. Once you have located the game save file, you can then choose a new directory to move it to. This could be an external hard drive, a different folder on the same computer, or even a cloud storage service such as Dropbox or Google Drive.

To change the game save file directory, you will need to create a symbolic link to the new location. This can be done using the command prompt with the following command: mklink /D “C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Roaming\DarkSoulsIII” “D:\NewSaveLocation”. This will create a symbolic link from the original directory to the new location, allowing the game to access the save file from its new directory without any issues.

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